Sunday, 10 October 2010

I spend allot of time trawling flickr, in fact its pretty much the main exposure i have to the world of photography. I sometimes feel quite embarrassed as people try to talk to me about their favourite photographers and I never know who there talking about. I also try and relate them to people i've seen on Flickr. It doesnt go down so well cause i dont think flickr is seen as a place for real photographers to display work...
One of my favourite portrait photographers is this guy called Benoit.P. The mood in his Images and use of DOP is iiiiinncredible. I also really respect the way he meets his subjects. He walks around paris looking for interesting people, instead of taking pictures of these people secretly he approaches them and talks to them. This is something that i find so hard to do and respect him so much for doing. I really want to know what things he says to these people and how he gets them to pose for him. He must be such a nice and interesting person to be able to get these people to trust him. Ive taking pictures of people, but never have enough confidence to approach somebody interesting looking. How do you start that conversation? Do you talk about something completely different first? Do you hide the camera so they don't get scared of you. I guess all these things change depending on who it is and how confident they are.

I went to the park a little while ago to take some pictures of people and ask their opinions on a project i was doing, I found it so hard to talk to people and ended up talking to only 3 people. I took their pictures but they turned out shit cause i was nervous about it. I think its something i need practise on.

I really want to do a project on chefs in alleyways smoking a cigarette. I think it would make really nice pictures. I would need to talk to people and probably have to walk around london for a while to find some.

Benoid's Approach to photography:

Questioning the modern world in which we are living and trying to break this individualism and the anonymity of the big city. By going into “Non-lieux” (no existing places) (subways, malls, and crowded streets at rush hours …;) and by talking to people to take photos, I break the usual way this modern world works for a few instants. I make real these “non-lieux” by creating an event that the stranger will remember.

Hes also offers workshops, maybe we could get him down to goldmiths?

Here are some images by Benoid.P:

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