Wednesday, 6 October 2010

How we consume information

Half way through my 2nd year of Goldsmiths, i had the idea to base my 3rd year project around how we understand information. I've always been interested in how easily people can be fooled by facts and statistics. If something is take out of context it comes across as a completely different piece of information.
Now its not the idea of fooling people that interests me, its the possibility of a change in how we read the information that i find interesting.
For example, if you were to read that qatar was the largest consumer of gas power per habitant, you would think down on the country. However if you were to also read that they were also the largest exporter of Gas per habitant, it would be easier to understand that its not due to the populations over use of gas, but due to its easy access to the material. They are also the 76th highest consumer of oil compared to britain 13th position out of a total 208, and don't have any oil imports.

Id like to create a type of kinetic sculpture that balances different pieces of related information to give you a better idea of the truth. How and with what, i don't know...