Thursday, 28 October 2010

So the other day we had to go away and find an image that we thought showed an idea well. It wasnt about the quality of the image but how it put its point across.

Matt did a little 5 minutes presentation to show us some of his findings that really helped me along with my project. He showed us an artist/designer/information designer who photographer images of multiple object that represented a certain fact of figure.

So for example, here is a piece that he did about prison. This image depicts 2.3 million folded prison uniforms, equal to the number of Americans incarcerated in 2005.

BOOOM, i found this really interesting. It was also a huge relief, as I've been looking for a way to incorporate photography into my project for some time. This helped me to realise that i really need to stop locking myself into corners and stop thinking i cant do things. I really need to broaden the way and collect and represent data.

Oh and you know your doing something right when you have a TED talk... so heres Chris Jordan's TED talk.

So this week we had to develop our projects through photography.

At first i found it pretty hard to conceptualise my thoughts into an image. I didn't just want to show my ideas through a constant representation of the same object. I wanted to represent a solid percentage about the people who will be viewing it. I also want to make the data more personal, find someway of involving the people who view it into the data.

So when we are asked to do a project like this, we always hang our work on the wall.

So i decided that i would do a chart about how many people presented work that day.
As i wouldn't be able to guess how many people would do the work, i would have to print of loads of chart amounts and mount the appropriate image that day.

So the left image is a diagram of the amount of people who handed in the work for today.
37 people turned up for class out of a possible 51, totalling 74 percent.

I wanted to say that, if this class was this man (well harry boy)'s chest hair then we would look ridiculous.

Click on the images to look a little closer.